Whom to Contact

Information and resources for faculty and staff concerning various finance and administrative services are available on the left hand navigation menu. Additional contact information for finance and administrative services staff may be found below.

If you have questions about:DepartmentE-MailExtension
The account balance transaction details in a general ledger account: Business Office businessoffice@depauw.edu 4128
Accounts payable. This includes all payments to vendors and reimbursement checks Business Office accountspayable@depauw.edu 4124
Budget inquiries Business Office businessoffice@depauw.edu 4128
Copier supplies such as toner and paper Service Center servicecenter@depauw.edu 4526
Credit cards issued to University employees Business Office commercialcard@depauw.edu 4128
Event payments to performers, officials, etc. Business Office accountspayable@depauw.edu 4124
Grant accounts Business Office businessoffice@depauw.edu 4128
Journal entries Business Office businessoffice@depauw.edu 4128
Meal plans ID One Office idcard@depauw.edu 4253
Payroll Human Resources hr@depauw.edu 4126
Perkins Loans Business Office businessoffice@depauw.edu 4128
Purchase orders Service Center servicecenter@depauw.edu 4907
Purchasing equipment / furniture Service Center servicecenter@depauw.edu 4907
Student financial aid information Financial Aid financialaid@depauw.edu 4030
Student insurance Stevie Baker-Watson steviebaker-watson@depauw.edu 6075
Student tuition accounts and/or payments Payment Services paymentservices@depauw.edu 4015
Travel advances Business Office accountspayable@depauw.edu 4121