Data Governance, Information Security, and Administrative Systems Planning Committee


This cross-functional Committee is charged to establish and enforce policies, standards, and procedures to ensure the quality, security, and effective management of the University’s data assets.

These structures and procedures will ensure intentional decision-making about prioritizing administrative systems initiatives, monitor the information security strategy for the University, and institute diligence and accountability around institutional data.

The Committee’s primary objectives are to ensure that investments in data and administrative systems align with institutional strategic priorities and enable reliable data-informed decision-making for core business functions and academic planning.

Committee Structure

The Core Committee is composed of members that represent departments across the University and will typically meet on a regular basis every six months or quarterly as needed. Members are senior members of their respective areas who are responsible for their area’s data needs, IT infrastructure, or related issues. Additional stakeholders will be consulted and engaged on an as needed basis.

Core Committee

Additional Stakeholders

The President’s Cabinet and the committee chairs act as a steering committee that will provide strategic direction and guidance to the Core Committee on decisions regarding significant information technology investments and allocation of resources.

Last update: June 20, 2024