Examination of the diverse human experience in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With cultures rich and diverse and histories colorful and complex, an interdisciplinary approach to Latin America and the Caribbean is a stimulating course of study for the internationally driven and society-minded student. Explore the sociology, history, literature, political science, geography, economics and gender studies of these countries and consider a variety of perspectives employing diverse analytical tools.

An integrated academic program featuring three core components: a student-designed curriculum, experiential learning and a research-oriented, intellectual commons. Additional components include the opportunity to study abroad to study first-hand the diversity of the regions’ history and human experience.


  • Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
  • Colonial Latin America
  • Caribbean Cultures
  • Economics of Income Differences
  • African Diaspora Cultures 


  • Graduate Programs
  • International Business
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Bilingual Education
  • Journalism
  • Social Work 

Take your discovery south.

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