Robert C. McDermond Center Industry Insight Series

Explore specific industries and find your career passion!

Pence Media Group Marketing Panel  Pharma Med Panel Entrepreneurship Panel

The Robert C. McDermond Center Industry Insight Series brings experts to campus from across the country who have careers in various aspects of a particular industry. As part of this series, students interact with alumni and other leaders as they share their experiences, roles and responsibilities within that industry.  Students then have the opportunity to ask specific questions. 

We have heard testimonies from students who found their own personal career interests by interacting with the panelists at one of these events.  Each semester the McDermond Center highlights three to four industries. 

Recent panels include:  Consulting, Corporate Finance, Entrepreneur Founders, Healthcare, Human Resources, Investment Banking, Law, Marketing, Private Equity, Real Estate, Technology, Treasury, Public Affairs and Wealth Management.