Business Analytics

Students in DePauw's Business Analytics Program explore business decision-making and problem-solving individually and in groups, drawing on a rich, liberal arts foundation of data analysis, ethical inquiry, global awareness, and clear thinking and communication. Business analytics students develop and apply these abilities in coursework, case studies, independent research, and internships.

Opportunities for leadership, internships, alumni connections, and mentorship are magnified through the Business Analytics Program's connections with the McDermond Center for Management and Entrepreneurship and the Management Fellows honors program.

Course Catalog

Requirements for a major

Business Analytics

Total courses required Ten-Twelve (including prerequisites)
Core courses ECON 100, BUSA 110, a statistics course (MATH 141 or PSY 214 or ECON 350 or BIO 375), BUSA 210, a regression course (BUSA 305 or MATH 341 or ECON 385 or ECON 450), BUSA 310, BUSA 480
Other required courses

Any two electives, one of which must be at the 300 or 400 level. Choose any BUSA electives or from the list below. Students are not required to, but may choose a specialization by completing two courses in one category.

Mathematics: MATH 261 (MATH 141 prereq), MATH 331 (ECON 100 and MATH 136 or MATH 151 or ECON 375 prereq), MATH 332 (MATH 331 prereq), MATH 336 (MATH 136 or MATH 151 or ECON 375, ECON 100, and either MATH 141 or ECON 350 prereq)

Computer Science:CSC 125 (CSC 121 prereq), CSC 330 (CSC 235 and CSC 236 prereq), CSC 370 (CSC 235 and CSC 236 prereq)

Finance: ECON/FIN 280 (ECON 220 prereq), ECON/FIN 360 (ECON 350 prereq), ECON/FIN 393 (ECON 220 and ECON 350 prereq)

Economics: ECON 415 (prereqs ECON 294, ECON 350), ECON 430 (prereq ECON 294), ECON 465 (prereqs ECON 294, ECON 350).

Number 300 and 400 level courses Three-Four (2 in core, 1 or 2 from electives)
Senior requirement and capstone experience BUSA 480: Business Analytics Seminar or (with program approval) BUSA 485: Independent Capstone Project
Additional information We strongly encourage students to complete a full-time summer or semester internship in business analytics.
Writing in the Major

Students in business analytics develop their communication skills along with the ability to visualize and analyze business-related data. Opportunities to practice writing about technical aspects of business analytics and the implications of rigorous analysis based on mathematics, computer science, finance, and economics take many forms, such as: writing about the process of gathering, organizing, and analyzing information; describing the results of statistical analysis; explaining and interpreting trends in data; and recommending next steps for decision-makers.

Business analytics majors develop their ability to write about empirical processes and results in BUSA 210: Business Analytics II and BUSA 310: Business Analytics III. In the senior capstone, BUSA 480: Business Analytics Seminar or BUSA 485: Independent Capstone Project, students demonstrate mastery of business analytics writing through empirical projects and case studies. Students must pass these courses to satisfy the writing in the major requirement. Other courses in the business analytics curriculum also include intentional writing components where students develop and practice their skills in writing about data, empirical analysis, and interpreting results.

Requirements for a minor

Business Analytics

Total courses required Five
Core courses
  • BUSA 110: Gateway to Business Analytics
  • A course in statistics (choose from MATH 141, PSY 214, ECON 350 or BIO 375)
  • BUSA 210: Business Analytics II
Other required courses

Two additional BUSA, ECON, FIN, MATH, or CSC courses listed in the Business Analytics major or approved by the minor advisor, at least one of which must be at the 300- or 400-level.

Number 300 and 400 level courses One


Total courses required Five
Core courses ECON 100, ECON 220, ENT 350
Other required courses Two Electives

List of Electives:

  • BUSA 110 - Gateway to Business Analytics
  • LEAD 226 - Foundations of Leadership
  • CSC 121 - Computer Science I
  • CSC 122 - Data Structures
  • PSY 254 - Consumer Psychology
  • PSY 364 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • COMM 326 - Communication in Organizations
  • PHIL 233 - Ethics and Business
  • MUS 340 - Music Entrepreneurship
  • Other related courses with the approval of minor advisor

Note: Some of the other related courses are (but not limited to):

  • For general business related courses:
    • Courses offered in the new finance major
    • ECON 398 - Business Policy
    • ECON 440 - Applied Game Theory
    • For students interested in technology entrepreneurship:
    • CSC 330 - Artificial Intelligence,
    • CSC 360 - Autonomous Robotics,
    • CSC 370 - Data Mining
    • For students interested in media/arts entrepreneurship:
    • COMM 318 - Business of the Performing Arts,
    • FILM 230 - Introduction to Digital Film Production
    • For students interested in environmental entrepreneurship:
    • GEOS 190 - Energy, Environment & Climate
    • PHIL 232 - Environmental Ethics,
    • POLS 265 - Introduction to Environmental Policy
    • For students interested in healthcare entrepreneurship:
    • GLH 242 - Topics in Global Health,
    • UNIV 275 - Introduction to Public Health
Number 300 and 400 level courses Two